ABB – Los Gatos Research #24 |
3055 Orchard Drive
San Jose, CA 95134
United States
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Since 1994, Los Gatos Research -member of ABB group- creates scientific instruments for leading-edge research, air quality monitoring, greenhouse gas and isotopic measurements. The ABB LGR instruments come in various packaging, from benchtop and industrial rackmount to compact battery-operated analyzers for field measurements. They have been widely deployed on all continents for high precision and reliable gas measurements, allowing environmental and geophysical scientists to benefit from their performance and ruggedness.
Aerodyne Research, Inc. #09 |
45 Manning Road
Billerica, MA 01821
United States
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ARI produces instrumentation for measuring trace gases and aerosols with fast time response and high sensitivity. Our instruments are used in research and monitoring applications on ground and mobile (truck, ship, aircraft) platforms for measuring atmospheric pollutants, VOCs, combustion and industrial emissions. These instruments include our IR laser trace gas monitors (TILDAS), ToF-CIMS, VOCUS PTR-ToF, CAPS-NO2, PM extinction and absorbance monitors as well as our AMS and ACSM.
AGICO #43 |
Ječná 1321/29A
621 00 Brno
Czech Republic
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AGICO (Advanced Geoscience Instruments Company) situated in Brno, Czech Republic, is one of the most respected world producers of scientific instruments for rock magnetism, palaeomagnetism and environmental magnetism. AGICO instruments enable measurement of remanent magnetization, AF demagnetization, measurement of magnetic susceptibility and anisotropy of low-field magnetic susceptibility, measurement of frequency-dependent magnetic susceptibility, investigation of temperature variation of bulk susceptibility, investigation of anisotropy of isothermal and anhysteretic magnetic remanence.
American Geophysical Union (AGU) #X205/X206 |
2000 Florida Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20009-1277
United States
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The American Geophysical Union is an international nonprofit, scientific organization representing nearly 60,000 members in 139 countries. AGU is a leader in the scientific community with an eye for innovation, rigor and interdisciplinary focus related to a wide range of critical global issues. AGU promotes discovery in Earth and space science for the benefit of humanity. Learn more at
Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) #X210 |
1 Commonwealth Lane
Singapore 149544
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AOGS mission is to promote geophysical sciences for the benefit of humanity in Asia and Oceania. AOGS regularly exhibits at the AGU, EGU and JPGU and also collaborates to organize regional activities. The AOGS-EGU Joint Conference on New Dimensions for Natural Hazards in Asia is one such activity. It is a means for fostering meaningful connections and to leverage subject matter expertise. Visit the AOGS Exhibition Booth to connect in person!
Baltic TRANSCOAST #X2D04 |
University of Rostock
Justus-vonLiebig-Weg 6
18055 Rostock
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The DFG Research Training Group Baltic TRANSCOAST investigates water and matter exchange between land and sea across the coastal ecocline in an interdisciplinary team bringing together marine and terrestrial scientists. Our research focuses on three, strongly interrelated research fields, namely hydrodynamic, (bio)geochemical and biological processes. Co-operations across the research fields underline the interdisciplinary character of the Research Training Group. We will soon start recruiting 13 PhD Students.
Bartington Instruments Ltd #58 |
Thorney Leys Park
Witney OX28 4GE
United Kingdom
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Bartington Instruments is a world leader in the design and manufacture of high precision, low noise fluxgate magnetometers, gradiometers and magnetic susceptibility instrumentation, with applications including climatology; soil, pollution and erosion studies; archaeology; and quality control. Geophysicists and archaeologists worldwide use our instruments for geophysical surveys and high accuracy measurement of geomagnetic fields, and our MS instrumentation can be integrated into electromagnetics measuring systems in both exploration and research geophysics.
Beta Analytic #10 |
London BioScience Innovation Centre
2 Royal College Street
London NW1 0NH
United Kingdom
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Beta Analytic is an ISO 17025-accredited carbon-14 dating and stable isotope laboratory with a standard turnaround time of 14 business days for AMS dating. Expedited services are available (2-6 business days). All analyses are performed in-house by professional scientists. Multiple instruments ensure redundancy and dependable delivery. Respected worldwide for accuracy, quality, and customer care. Results are accessible 24/7 via web access. Convenient shipping to our multiple forwarding facilities.
Cambridge University Press #46/48 |
University Printing House
Shaftesbury Road
Cambridge CB2 8BS
United Kingdom
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Cambridge University Press is a not-for-profit publisher that dates from 1534 and is part of the University of Cambridge. Our mission is to unlock people's potential with the best learning and research solutions by combining state-of-the-art content with the highest standards of scholarship, writing and production. Visit our stand to browse new titles, available at 20% discount, and pick up free journal sample copies.
CAMECA / Camparis #11 |
Carl-von-Linde-Str. 42
85716 Unterschleissheim
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Sharing booth 11, two internationally acclaimed scientific instrumentation makers and a prestigious geoscience research lab: • CAMECA and Nu support the geoscience community with high-end microanalytical tools (EPMA, SIMS, NanoSIMS, ICP-MS, IRMS, TIMS, 3D Atom Probes). Learn more on new SXFive-TACTIS Electron Microprobe and SAPPHIRE ICP-MS. • CAMPARIS is a world-leading Electron Probe Microanalysis laboratory located at Sorbonne University focusing on all aspects of mineralogy, geochronology, geochemistry, planetary science and environmental studies.
Campbell Scientific #65 |
Campbell Park, 80 Hathern Road
Shepshed, LE12 9GX
United Kingdom
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Our relationship to our natural environment is complicated. Professionals in scientific research affect agriculture, knowledge of weather and climate, industry, safety—research touches nearly every part of life. When measurements matter, Campbell Scientific’s measurement solutions deliver the highest quality data, even in the harshest environments. We offer a range of research-grade systems, including eddy-covariance systems (featuring EasyFlux™ Web), automated weather stations (PRO series), soil-moisture systems, road-weather systems, dataloggers, and sensors.
77 rue Claude Bernard
75005 Paris
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CGMW was created in 1913 and is the oldest international organization in geoscience after the International Geological Congress (IGC). It is a non-profit-making scientific and educational body based in Paris, France. CGMW is responsible for designing, promoting, coordinating, preparing and publishing small-scale Earth science maps (geology, geophysics, metallogeny, natural resources, climate) of the Earth, continents, major regions, and the oceans. CGMW has UNESCO and the International Union of Geological Sciences suport.
China University of Geosciences (Beijing) #107 |
29 Xueyuan Rd, Haidian District
Beijing, 100083
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China University of Geosciences (Beijing) was founded in 1952. CUGB was one of the first group of China’s higher level universities designated for the state key construction of the “211” project and "Top Discipline Innovation Platform" Project, a state key university with both Geological Science and Geological Engineering. The public offering journals that hosted by CUGB include Geoscience Frontier, Contemporary Geology, Recourses and Industry, and China Geology Education.
CliSAP/CEN, Universität Hamburg #17 |
Grindelberg 5
20144 Hamburg
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CliSAP focuses on climate analysis and prediction and combines natural and social sciences. It unites Universitaet Hamburg, Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht and German Climate Computing Center. CliSAP is the nucleus of the Center for Earth System Research and Sustainability (CEN) coordinating the application for climate research in Hamburg as part of the German Excellence Strategy. The Graduate School offers an international MSc and doctoral degree program.
Copernicus ECMWF #06 |
Shinfield Park
Reading RG2 9AX
United Kingdom
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Copernicus is the European Commission’s flagship Earth Observation programme delivering free operational data and information services for policy-makers, public authorities, businesses, citizens and scientists alike with reliable and up-to-date information related to environmental issues. The European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts has been entrusted to operate two key parts of the Copernicus programme - the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service and the Copernicus Climate Change Service.
Copernicus Meetings & Publications #01 |
Bahnhofsallee 1e
37081 Göttingen
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Copernicus has been a scientific publishing house since 1994 and an open-access publisher since 2001. Today, Copernicus publishes 39 peer-reviewed journals, of which 19 apply the Interactive Public Peer-Review™. Furthermore, Copernicus has organized scientific conferences and exhibitions since 1988 and offers, in particular, services and applications for abstract and programme management as well as registration management. It has been Copernicus’ pleasure collaborating with associations like EGU on these innovative issues.
CTBTO Preparatory Commission #21/22 |
Wagramerstrasse 5
1400 Wien
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The Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO) was founded in 1996 and has over 260 staff from more than 70 countries. CTBTO’s main tasks are the promotion of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test- Ban Treaty (CTBT), which bans nuclear explosions in any environment, and the build-up of the verification regime such that it is operational when the Treaty enters into force.
Del Mar Oceanographic, LLC. #42 |
10457 Roselle St Suite A
San Diego, 92121
United States
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Del Mar Oceanographic produces the Wirewalker, a vertically profiling instrument-package powered by ocean waves. Any internally-recording sensor or cluster of sensors can be mounted on Wirewalker. Through rapid profiling, the sensor’s 1-dimensional timeseries is converted into a 2-D depth-time image. An enormous increase in information / intuition is achieved.
Delta-T Devices Limited #27/50 |
130 Low Road
Burwell CB25 0EJ
United Kingdom
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Delta-T Devices manufactures instruments for environmental monitoring, meteorology, soil science, and plant research. The GP2 Data Logger and Controller is easy to use, low power and has remarkable data handling and visualisation capabilities. The ML3 ThetaProbe offers class-leading soil moisture accuracy, while the PR2 Profile Probe provides readings of moisture at multiple depths and can be installed for continuous monitoring, or used as a portable device with the HH2 Meter.
DJI #52 |
Platz der Einheit 1
60327 Frankfurt am Main
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Today DJI products are redefining industries. Academia and professionals in agriculture, infrastructure, public safety, energy, construction, and more trust DJI to bring new perspectives to their work, and help them accomplish tasks safer, faster, and with greater efficiency than ever before. Headquartered in Shenzhen, China's Silicon Valley, DJI is the world's largest drone manufacturer, leading the market with products available in over 100 countries.
EAGE – European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers #X208 |
P.O. Box 59
3990 DB Houten
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EAGE is a professional association for geoscientists and engineers. It is an organization with a worldwide membership, providing a global network of commercial and academic professionals and students. With more than 19,000 members from over 100 countries, the association is truly multi-disciplinary and international in form and pursuits. EAGE operates two divisions: the Oil & Gas Geoscience Division and the Near Surface Geoscience Division.
Earth Observatory of Singapore #X2D01 |
50 Avenue N2-01a-11
Singapore, 639798
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The Earth Observatory of Singapore is an institute for geohazard research, focusing on tectonics, volcanoes, climate change and risk in and around Southeast Asia. Situated at Nanyang Technological University, the Observatory is committed to acquiring knowledge of these natural hazards, passing this information on to at-risk communities by contributing to forecasts of such natural phenomena, and helping them adapt to these challenges.
Earth Science Research Promotion Center #60 |
Zhongda Rd.
32001 Zhongli District, Taoyuan City
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The Taiwan Earth Science Research Promotion Center (ESRPC) is operated under the Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan. Our primary mission is to promote advanced and international-collaborative research in Earth Science related disciplines, including Geology, Geophysics, Oceanography, Atmospheric and Space Sciences, Hazard Reduction and Prevention, Sustainable Development, and Geospatial Information Technology. The ESRPC supports visiting scholars to Taiwan and sponsors scientific conferences held in Taiwan.
Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo #39 |
1-1-1 Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku
Tokyo, 1130032
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Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo, Japan, is the largest university institute for Solid Earth Science in our country, and is one of the oldest and renowned of its kind in the world with over 80 top-notch academics. We deal with: earthquake, tsunami, volcano, and Earth's interior.
ecoTech #15 |
Nikolausstr. 7
53129 Bonn
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We are an experienced team of committed scientists, engineers and technicians. For 35 years we have developed, produced and supplied measuring and monitoring systems for the collection of water, soil and air data. Expert advice with the best possible client service is our philosophy.
Elementar #13 |
Elementar-Straße 1
63505 Langenselbold
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Elementar offers the most dynamic range of elemental analyzers and stable isotope analyzers for the determination of the non-metal elements carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, sulfur, oxygen and halogens. Incorporating over 110 years of innovation and development into a technology-leading comprehensive product portfolio, Elementar targets the needs of many market sectors including Environmental, Agriculture, Fuels, Materials, Chemical Research and Forensics.
ENVRI Community #02/03 |
Erik Palmenin katu 1
00560 Helsinki
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ENVRI is a community of Environmental Research Infrastructures (RIs), networks and other stakeholders interested in environmental RIs matters. Although very diverse, the RIs share the same challenges, both in their constructions and operations. The ENVRI community thus encourages a joint work on developing synergies, learning from each other, and harmonizing the RIs landscape. We bring together RIs from all domains of the Earth system to tackle the Environmental challenges together.
eom solutions #108 |
Eisenberg 503
7534 Olbendorf
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Delta OHM supplies a wide range of instrumentation and systems for the Meteorological market, all coming from our own R&D and our own production with a top-quality product portfolio. Our portfolio includes a wide range of equipment for measuring wind speed and direction, precipitations, atmospheric pressure, humidity and temperature as well as complete Automated Weather Stations.
EPOS #112/113 |
Via di Vigna Murata 605
00143 Rome
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EPOS - The European Plate Observing System - is a long-term plan to facilitate integrated use of data, models and facilities from distributed research infrastructures for solid Earth science in Europe. The goal of EPOS is to better understand the active Earth system processes controlling earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, unrest episodes and tsunamis, as well as those driving tectonics and Earth surface dynamics.
EuroGeoSurveys #X211/X212 |
Rue Joseph II, 36-38
1000 Brussels
United Kingdom
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EuroGeoSurveys (EGS), The Geological Surveys of Europe, is a not-for-profit organisation representing 37 National Geological Surveys and some regional Surveys in Europe, an overall workforce of several thousand experts. EGS members, the National Geological Surveys, are public sector institutions carrying out operations and research in the field of geosciences. These organisations have been for years collecting data, preparing information and conducting research focused on their national subsurface.
European Geosciences Union #X202 |
Luisenstr. 37
80333 Munich
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The European Geosciences Union (EGU) is, with 15,000 members from all over the world, Europe’s premier geosciences union. It is dedicated to the pursuit of excellence in the earth, planetary, and space sciences for the benefit of humanity. It is a non-profit international association of scientists. The EGU has a current portfolio of 17 diverse scientific journals, which use an innovative open-access format, and organises a number of meetings, and education and outreach activities. Its annual General Assembly is the largest and most prominent European geosciences event, attracting 14,500 scientists from more than 100 countries.
European Space Agency (ESA) #X203 |
8-10 rue Mario-Nikis
75738 Paris
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The European Space Agency is Europe’s gateway to space. Its mission is to shape the development of Europe’s space capability and ensure that investment in space delivers benefits to the citizens of Europe and the world. ESA is an international organisation with 22 Member States. By coordinating the financial and intellectual resources of its members, it undertakes programmes and activities far beyond the scope of any single European country.
Future Ocean – Kiel Marine Sciences #16 |
Christian-Albrechts-Platz 4
24118 Kiel
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“Future Ocean” is an interdisciplinary research group in Kiel with 200+ scientists from Kiel University, GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research, the Institute for World Economy (IfW) and the Muthesius University of Fine Arts. The goal of these experts in marine and earth science, economics, medicine, math, law and sociology is to investigate climate and ocean change, evaluate the opportunities and risks of change and develop sustainable ocean resource management.
Gasmet #57 |
Pulttitie 8 A
00880 Helsinki
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Our mission is to provide solutions that help improve the air quality, protect the environment, help in the fight against climate change, and save lives. Gasmet is a Finnish high technology company that develops, manufactures and markets FTIR gas analyzers and monitoring systems for variable industrial, environmental and safety applications. In the field of gas analysis, our company have established a global reputation for innovative, customer-driven and reliable solutions.
Geological Society of London #47 |
Burlington House
Mayfair, London W1J 0BD
United Kingdom
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The Geological Society of London is a learned society and professional body for geosciences providing a wide range of professional and scientific support to its 12,000 fellows. As well as boasting one of the most important geological libraries in the world, the Geological Society is a global leader in Earth science publishing, and is renowned for its cutting edge science meetings.
GeoScienceWorld #61 |
1750 Tysons Boulevard Suite 1500
McLean, 22102
United States
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GeoScienceWorld (GSW) is a nonprofit collaborative and comprehensive Internet resource for research and communications in the earth sciences, which is built on a core database of peer-reviewed journals and is integrated with the GeoRef index. The organization gives global researchers a single point of access to 46 full-text scholarly journals and 2,000 plus eBooks. Plus specialized searching capabilities and links to millions of relevant resources hosted elsewhere on the Web.
Gill Instruments #45 |
Saltmarsh Park
67 Gosport Street
Lymington, Hampshire
United Kingdom
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Gill Instruments is a world leader in the field of ultrasonic wind measurement and weather monitoring solutions. Gill manufactures ultrasonic anemometers, weather stations, data processing and communications technology and software. Gill products are renowned for their excellent long-term reliability in a wide range of harsh environments. Visit booth 45 to find out more information.
Google, Inc. #X201 |
1600 Amphitheatre Parkway
Mountain View 94043
United States
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Google Earth Engine combines a multi-petabyte catalog of satellite imagery and geospatial datasets with planetary-scale analysis capabilities and makes it available for scientists, researchers, and developers to detect changes, map trends, and quantify differences on the Earth's surface.
Güralp #23 |
3 Midas House, Calleva Park
Aldermaston, Reading, RG7 8EA
United Kingdom
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Güralp has been designing and manufacturing revolutionary, force-feedback broadband seismic instrumentation for more than thirty years. Our sensors are used worldwide by academic, public, governmental and private organisations to understand and explore our world. Our digital and analogue instruments measure seismic signals of all kinds, from teleseismic events occurring on the other side of the planet; to local strong motion earthquakes; to induced microseismic events.
HEMERA / Europlanet #X2D05 |
Via Fosso del Cavaliere 100
00133 Rome
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The HEMERA H2020 project will set up a large european consortium dealing with balloon-borne research. To learn more:
Europlanet is a Research Infrastructure funded by H2020, committed to building a diverse, inclusive planetary science community in Europe. To learn more:
IBS Center for Climate Physics #40 |
Busandaehak-ro 63beon-gil 2
(Jangjeon-dong), Geumjeong-gu, 46241
Republic of Korea
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The IBS Center for Climate Physics (ICCP) was established in January, 2017 as the first Earth Science center within the Institute for Basic Science (IBS). ICCP seeks to expand the frontiers of earth system science by conducting cutting edge research into climate dynamics and utilizing high-performance computer simulations, with the goal of improving decadal earth system forecasts and longterm projections.
IBTP Koschuch e.U #101 |
Langegg 31
8463 Leutschach
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IBTP Koschuch e.U. Your expert in technical physics for consulting, planning, calculation and development. We developed a Pulse Doppler RADAR Technology for: Avalanche Detection; Debris Flow Monitoring; Heavy Rain Measurement; Rock Fall Detection; Water Level Measurement; Warning System; Alarm Trigger System
IDS GeoRadar #59 |
Via Enrica Calabresi 24
56121 Loc. Montacchiello
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IDS GeoRadar, part of Hexagon, is a leading provider of Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) and Interferometric Radar solutions worldwide. The company is committed to delivering best-in-class performance solutions and to the pursuit of product excellence, through the creation of application-specific, innovative and cost efficient systems for a wide range of applications including mining, utility, civil engineering, geology and civil protection. To learn more:
Institute of Mountain Hazards & Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences #X2D02 |
Renmin South Road, Section 4, No. 9
Chengdu, 610041
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Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment (IMHE), Chinese Academy of Sciences, is a state non-profit academic institution and performs scientific researches in the following subjects: Formation and mitigation of mountain hazards, Degradation and reconstruction of mountain environment, Evaluation, planning and sustainable development of eco-environment, Remote-sensing, mapping, GIS, and Agroecology.
International Association of Sedimentologists (IAS) #34 |
Krijgslaan 281 S8
9000 Gent
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The International Association of Sedimentologists (IAS) is an international non-profit organization, that was founded in 1952, to promote the study of Sedimentology by i) publication, discussion and comparison of research results, ii) encouraging the interchange of research, particularly where international cooperation is desirable, and iii) promoting integration with other disciplines.
Eduard-Bodem-Gasse 3
6020 Innsbruck
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We are the world's leading producer of real-time trace gas analyzers based on Proton Transfer Reaction – Mass Spectrometry (PTR-MS), offering a market-leading detection limit < 1 pptv for VOCs. We also manufacture modular time-of-flight mass spectrometers for academic research & OEM as well as sampling systems for aerosol and particulate matter (CHARON), calibration devices and a fastGC interface for PTR-TOFMS. We supply integrated VOC monitoring systems to various industries.
IOP Publishing #33 |
Temple Circus
Temple Way
Bristol BS1 6HG
United Kingdom
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IOP Publishing is a society-owned scientific publisher, providing impact, recognition and value for the scientific community. Wholly owned by the UK Institute of Physics, we work closely with researchers, academics, and partners worldwide to produce academic journals, ebooks, conference series, and digital products, covering the latest and best research in the physical sciences and beyond. Visit our booth 33 to see what we can offer you.
iXblue #110 |
34, rue de la croix de fer
78100 Saint-Germain-en-Laye
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iXblue is a leading provider of innovative solutions and services for positioning, navigation and seismology, from underwater to space applications through any place on earth. Thanks to 30 years of unchallenged expertise in fiber-optic gyroscope technology, iXblue offers now a product line dedicated to rotational seismology, including the first broadband low-noise rotational seismometer industrially available and field proven: blueSeis-3A
Japan Geoscience Union (JpGU) #X209 |
Japan Geoscience Union Office
2-4-16 Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku
113-0032 Tokyo
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Japan Geoscience Union (JpGU) is a multidisciplinary geoscience organization promoting excellence in all fields of earth and planetary science. JpGU strengthens the relationships with EGU, AGU and AOGS, and is going to hold the JpGU Meeting 2018 from May 20th to 24th, welcoming a lot of international participants. JpGU also publishes an open access e-journal, Progress in Earth and Planetary Science (PEPS) and supports a sister journal, Earth, Planets and Space (EPS).
KIGAM #111 |
124 Gwahak-ro
Daejeon, 34132
Republic of Korea
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Kigam is the unique government-funded research organization where the top-notch geoscience researches are ongoing. In Kigam, Korea's finest geology experts are in charge of researching on stable utilizations for the future energy & mineral resources, land and environment preservations, and creating a new science field with the basis of geoscience technologies. All those efforts are for the Korea's industrial developments and the contented lives for the people in Korea.
Kinemetrics #20 |
222 Vista Avenue
Pasadena, CA 91107
United States
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Kinemetrics is the world leader in the innovative design, quality manufacturing and timely supply of earthquake monitoring equipment, systems and solutions, where reliability, flexibility and cost effectiveness are important. Kinemetrics has almost 50 years of experience in providing seismologists and structural engineers with the highest standard instrumentation.
K.U.M. Ocean Bottom Seismology #120 |
Wischhofstr. 1-3, Geb. 15
24148 Kiel
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Ocean Bottom Seismology at its best. 10 years after LOBSTER we launched the spectacular Broadband-OBS NAMMU with record breaking size and perfomance: 120sec @ 142dB @ 32bit at a size of half a palette. We also build superior Sediment Traps, Landers, Acoustic Releases and custom designed Deep Sea Research instruments. Have a closer look at our booth and at
LI-COR Biosciences GmbH #30/32 |
Siemensstr. 25a
61352 Bad Homburg
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Visit the LI-COR booth to see our latest innovations in instrumentation for biological and environmental sciences, including an all new trace gas analyzer platform. We'll demonstrate new chambers for the LI-6800 Portable Photosynthesis System, including a soil CO2 flux chamber, as well as complete eddy covariance systems, with solutions for remote communications, solar power, and new Tovi™ Data Analysis Software, for the next step in post-processing eddy covariance data.
MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen #14 |
Leobener Strasse 8
28359 Bremen
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MARUM is a research faculty of the University of Bremen, Germany. It aims at understanding the role of the oceans in the Earth’s system by employing state-of-the-art methods. MARUM examines the significance of the oceans within the framework of global change, quantifies marine geosphere-biosphere interactions, and provides information for sustainable use of the ocean. MARUM researchers apply deep-sea technologies like the diving vehicle MARUM-QUEST4000 and two drill rigs MARUM-MeBo.
MathWorks #64 |
52064 Aachen
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MathWorks is the leading developer of mathematical computing software. Engineers, scientists, and educators worldwide rely on its products to accelerate the pace of discovery, innovation, development, and teaching.
MATLAB®, the language of technical computing, is a programming environment for algorithm development, data analytics, visualization, and numeric computation. Simulink® is a graphical environment for simulation and Model-Based Design of multidomain dynamic and embedded systems.
MDPI #36 |
St. Alban-Anlage 66
4052 Basel
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MDPI is an academic open access publisher of peer-reviewed journals established in 1996 and based in Basel, Switzerland. MDPI publishes over 180 diverse peer-reviewed, scientific, open access, electronic journals, including Remote Sensing (IF 3.244), Minerals (IF 2.088), Atmosphere (IF 1.487). With over 110,000 published papers within the last two decades, MDPI has become a pioneer in academic open access publishing industry. MDPI is a member of COPE, STM and OASPA.
MEEO #114 |
Viale Volano 195/a/2
44123 Ferrara
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Founded in 2004 in Ferrara, Italy, MEEO activities aim at facilitating geospatial data access with main focus in satellite-based products. The eodataservice platform ( implements the concept of Digital Earth through a Virtual Research Environment, allowing accessing a vast amount of distributed geospatial environmental data. Eodataservice offers interoperable discovery, access, subsetting, visualisation, processing and download services.
Metek #04/05 |
Fritz-Strassmann-Str. 4
25337 Elmshorn
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Metek GmbH manufactures and delivers worldwide modern meteorological measuring systems and sensors ideally fitting to the specific needs of operational and scientific meteorological instrumentations: (heated) sonics for wind and turbulence measurements, SODAR-RASS for wind/temperature profiling, Micro Rain Radar for vertical monitoring of precipitation and melting zone, Cloud Radar for routine cloud statistic and research purposes, Halo Photonics Doppler Lidar system for sophisticated boundary layer monitoring and wind measurements.
METER Group #62/63/67 |
Mettlacher Str. 8
81369 München
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After many years of collaboration, Decagon and UMS have formalized their relationship by merging. We are excited to present our new company, METER. METER Environment combines scientific and engineering expertise to create systems for measuring water along the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum. This year, we are presenting several new products, including an all-in-one weather station, solar-powered data logger with cell communication and an automated soil particle size analyzer.
Muquans #118 |
IOA, rue Francois Mitterrand
33400 Talence
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Muquans is a French company which has developed and commercially provides the world’s first absolute gravimeter and atomic clock based on cold atoms. Muquans is a spin-off from Observatoire de Paris (LNE-SYRTE) and Institut d’Optique, where the core of the technology has been developed for more than 15 years of academic research. After 7 years of activity, Muquans has built a highly-experienced team of 25 scientists, engineers, and technicians.
Nanometrics #44 |
250 Herzberg Road
Kanata, Ontario K2K 2A1
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Nanometrics provides monitoring solutions and equipment for studying seismicity. Headquartered in Ottawa, with offices in Calgary, Beijing and Houston, Nanometrics has over 30 years’ experience delivering solutions to customers across the globe. Nanometrics real-time and portable systems are utilized by the world’s leading scientific institutions, universities and major corporations. Our pedigree is founded on precision instrumentation, network technology and data processing & analysis services for seismological and environmental research.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) #X204 |
NASA Headquarters
300 E Street, SW
Washington, D.C. 20546
United States
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NASA Earth System Science conducts and sponsors research on global climate and environmental change and its consequences for life on Earth. Our observations from space help to identify the sources of change in the Earth system, their magnitude and trends, and how the Earth system will change in the future.
Nortek AS #116 |
Vangkroken 2
1351 Rud
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Nortek AS develops and manufactures advanced instrumentation for measurements of water in motion, waves, and biomass. Applications range from turbulent flow in tiny sampling volumes to long range current profiles over 1000m water columns, and the instruments are used in laboratories, lakes, coastal areas, as well as in the worlds oceans.
Onset #08 |
470 MacArthur Blvd
Bourne, MA 02532
United States
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Onset HOBO® data loggers and weather stations measure and record environmental conditions such as temperature, wind speed, rainfall, and soil moisture. They provide reliable, accurate data under tough environmental conditions and can be rapidly deployed in a variety of field ecology and coastal studies. Based in Massachusetts, USA, Onset has been designing and manufacturing its HOBO data loggers on site since the company's founding in 1981.
Oxford University Press #102 |
Great Clarendon Street
Oxford, OX2 0BD
United Kingdom
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Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide.
Palgrave #56 |
PO Box 6560
Basingstoke RG21 6ZN
United Kingdom
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Palgrave Macmillan specialises in cutting-edge academic books in the Humanities and Social Sciences. It publishes monographs, journals, textbooks, professional and reference works, in subjects ranging from Political Science, Economics, Geosciences and History, to Literature, Linguistics and Business.
Picarro, Inc. #28 |
105 Patrick Henry Dr.
Santa Clara, CA 95054
United States
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Picarro is the world's leading provider of stable isotope and gas concentration measurement systems for many scientific applications. The ultra-precise and easy-to-use instruments are deployed across the globe offering unmatched performance and enabling scientists around the world to measure GHGs, trace gases and stable isotopes found in the air, water, and land.
PP Systems #25 |
110 Haverhill Road
Amesbury, MA 01913
United States
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NEW CFLUX-1 Automated Soil CO2 Flux System!—Dedicated/self-contained for long-term, unattended soil respiration measurement. Built-in CO2/H2O infrared gas analyzers means no multiplexing chambers needed! Also featured: EGM-5 Portable CO2 Gas Analyzer and Soil Respiration System. Creating rapid A/Ci curves? Learn how with our CIRAS-3—the most accurate and mobile system for simultaneous measurement and control of CO2/ H2O—chlorophyll fluorescence and soil/canopy flux too! We also proudly represent Hansatech Instruments; Gill Instruments; & bbe Moldaenke.
Ref Tek #26 |
10368 Westmoor Dr.
Westminster, CO 80021
United States
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REF TEK, a Trimble brand, provides monitoring systems for earthquake early warning, hazard mitigation, emergency response assessment, building code regulations as well as oil, gas and mining operations. Our accurate and robust broadband seismic recorders, seismometers, accelerometers and strong motion recorders are relied upon by scientists and engineers all over the world. All REF TEK products are supported by our trustworthy service and support team. To learn more visit
RML ltd #109 |
Unit 3A Seapoint Terrace, Irishtown
Dublin, D04WP83
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Research Management & Logistics Ltd offers creative, experienced and efficient support services to academia, industry and public bodies. RML supports all aspects of research development & innovation projects in the area of Earth sciences. Specific expertise includes research project management, logistical support for fieldwork and field based data collection and dissemination of project outputs.
Royal Society Publishing #106 |
6-9 Carlton House Terrace
London, SW1Y 5AG
United Kingdom
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The Royal Society journals Philosophical Transactions A, Proceedings A and Royal Society Open Science offer a range of publishing options for Earth scientists. We offer rigorous, constructive peer review; efficient, rapid processing by active, expert scientists; open access options; promotion by a dedicated press office; wide dissemination to an international audience and 350 years of experience in scientific publishing. Find out more by visiting booth 106 or visit
Saudi Society for Geosciences #X2D06 |
King Saud University
P.O. Box 2455
Riyadh, 11451
Saudi Arabia
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The Saudi Society of Geosciences is a scientific society established in 1981 at King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia aiming to develop and exchange scientific knowledge as well as enhance professional performance among the geoscientists and other relevant institutions. SSG encourages conducting research and holds annual symposia, seminars and workshops. In 2008, SSG launched the prestigious ISI journal "Arabian Journal of Geosciences (AJGS)" which is published bimonthly by SPRINGER.
s::can Messtechnik #115 |
Brigittagasse 22-24
1200 Vienna
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s::can Messtechnik GmbH is a manufacturer of online water quality monitoring systems, based in Austria and was established in 1999 as a university spin-off. s::can is serving the whole water industry, from drinking water over environmental to wastewater and is technology leader in online spectrometry with more than 7000 systems sold. The company’s focus is the design and manufacture of innovative, simple, digital sensors, terminals and software for water quality measurement.
Schweizerbart Science Publishers #19 |
Johannesstr. 3A
70176 Stuttgart
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Schweizerbart and Borntraeger publish and distribute printed and electronic scholarly journals, book series and monographs in the Earth- and environmental sciences, aquatic ecology, botany, anthropology and zoology. We are privately owned, independent and operated by scientists.
Scientific Drilling IODP ICDP #54/55 |
BP 20, 15 rue Notre Dame des Pauvres
54500 Vandoeuvre lès Nancy
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Two major and complementary international programmes undertake drilling and coring expeditions for the scientific community: IODP (International Ocean Discovery Program) and ICDP (International Continental Scientific Drilling Program), in oceanic and continental environments respectively. IODP is supported by 23 member countries including the 14 European countries and Canada that make up the European Consortium for Ocean Research Drilling (ECORD). ICDP brings together scientists and stakeholders from 23 nations.
Scintec #12 |
Wilhelm-Maybach-Strasse 14
72108 Rottenburg
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Scintec produces the most advanced and comprehensive line of wind and temperature profilers in SODAR, RADAR and RASS technology. Continuing scientific innovation, outstanding product design and customer oriented philosophy has made Scintec a global leader in this field. Scintec also offers optical SCINTILLOMETERS for the measurement of boundary layer turbulence and heat flux. Customers include research institutes and universities, the military, major airports, and weather services worldwide. Scintec is ISO9001 certified.
Seismo Wave #105 |
Route de Treguier, Rospez
22300 Lannion
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Seismo Wave specializes in infrasound and seismic stations and provides reliable turnkey solutions that address your technical needs: It provides sensors, digitizers, power & data transmission, installation, training, metrology. The scope of activity covers seismology, volcanology, climatology, natural transitory phenomena (such as tornadoes, volcanic explosions, earthquakes, bolides...), as well as artificial phenomena (such as nuclear explosions, wind turbine, quarry blasts...).
Sercon Ltd #31 |
Unit 3B, Crewe Trade Park
Cheshire, CW1 6JT
United Kingdom
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Sercon are dedicated to the design, manufacture and support of Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometers and their associated sample preparation systems. Backed by a wealth of experience in isotope ratio instrumentation, we also provide a full range of services specific to isotope ratio scientists and their applications. We also pride ourselves in supplying consumables and stable isotopes of the highest standard.
SOMMER Messtechnik #117 |
Straßenhäuser 27
6842 Koblach
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SOMMER is a very well established development and manufacturing company from Austria. SOMMER is developing and manufacturing high quality and innovative sensors for the environmental measurement sector. With a special focus on snow measurement equipment and surface water measurement equipment. When talking about measurement SOMMER is manufacturing sensors for SWE-, Snow depth-, Liquid water content measurement, non-contact radar based discharge sensors and Tracer based discharge measurement instruments.
Springer Nature #49/51/53 |
Tiergartenstrasse 17
69121 Heidelberg
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Springer Nature is one of the world’s leading global research, educational and professional publishers, home to an array of respected and trusted brands providing quality content through a range of innovative products and services. Springer Nature is the world’s largest academic book publisher and numbers almost 13,000 staff in over 50 countries.
SSC / Esrange Space Center #119 |
Esrange Space Center
98128 Kiruna
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SSC - Swedish Space Corporation - is a leading global provider of advanced space services with more than fifty years of experience. SSC is a renowned, full-service supplier of state-of-the-art space engineering, satellite and launch services to commercial and institutional customers worldwide. At Esrange Space Center we provide sounding rocket and stratospheric balloon launches for scientific and commercial missions, as well as space for ground measurement instrument in an undisturbed environment.
Stevens Water #35 |
Stevens Water Monitoring Systems Inc.
12067 NE Glenn Widing Dr., Suite 106
Portland, OR 97220
United States
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Stevens Water Monitoring Systems, Inc. is a manufacturer of integrated hydrological, meteorological and oceanographic monitoring instrumentation, accessories and information systems that help optimize water resource management and enhance forecasting. With a focus on simplicity, innovation and efficient solutions, Stevens Water are experts in hydrological and environmental monitoring. We’ve been innovating water monitoring solutions since 1911.
Taylor & Francis Group #41 |
PO Box 7044, Sheepen place Colchester
Essex, C03 3WQ
United Kingdom
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Taylor & Francis are one of the world's leading publishers of academic journals and books. Come to booth 41 to see the recent additions to our portfolio and meet members of our editorial team. Look out for details of competitions running throughout the conference and opportunities to meet with our academic journal editors.
The Geological Society of America #X207 |
P.O. Box 9140
Boulder, CO, 80301-9140
United States
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GSA is a global professional society with a growing membership of more than 26,000 individuals in 115 countries. GSA provides access to elements that are essential to the professional growth of earth scientists at all levels of expertise and from all sectors: academic, government, business, and industry. GSA recognizes earth science excellence with awards, promotes lifelong learning through scientific conferences, and publishes a wide range of peer-reviewed publications.
Thermo Scientific #66 |
Im Steingrund 4-6
63303 Dreieich
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For decades, innovative Thermo Scientific IRMS have helped geoscientists gain new insights into the application of isotope ratio analysis in the earth and environmental sciences, enabling them to make exciting pioneering discoveries and to overcome difficult analytical challenges. Isotope ratio mass spectrometers have also helped laboratories in the fields of food and doping analysis, providing trustworthy analytical results.
Tropical Cyclone Research and Review #103 |
No.166 Puxi Road
Shanghai, 200030
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Edited and published by ESCAP/WMO Typhoon Committee and Shanghai Typhoon Institute of CMA, Tropical Cyclone Research and Review is an international journal focusing on tropical cyclone forecasting and research as well as its associated hydrological effects and disaster risk reduction. TCRR has been included in the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), which includes high-quality, peer-reviewed publications representing both regional importance and emerging scientific fields not well-covered in more established journals.
Umwelt-Geräte-Technik GmbH #18 |
Eberswalder Str. 58
15374 Müncheberg
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UGT is a medium enterprise, which operates successful in the field of environmental monitoring and measuring technologies. UGT develops, produce and distribute measurement and diagnostic tools for soil-water-air-analytics and modules for the environmental monitoring. The installation of complex soil hydrologic and meteorological measuring stations in agriculture, forest and water ecosystems is in the area of operation, as well as the installation of control stations at landfill and mining sites for remediation.
University of York #104 |
Wentworth Way
York, YO10 5DD
United Kingdom
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SkyLine2D is the result of ongoing collaborations between researchers and engineers at the University of York which aim to design novel technologies for autonomous greenhouse gas flux measurements. Current prototypes make near-continuous measurements of up to 40 plots in a range of agricultural and semi-natural systems. They are compatible with multiple sensors and a range of gas analysers, making them a unique, cutting-edge platform for unprecedented application in field experiments.
U.S. Department of Energy ARM Climate Research Facility #X2D03 |
PO Box 999 MSIN K9-38
Richland, 99354
United States
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As a U.S. Department of Energy scientific user facility with measurement capabilities across the globe, the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Climate Research Facility is used by scientists to obtain long-term measurements of cloud and aerosol properties, radiative energy, meteorology, and surface properties in diverse locales for studying atmospheric processes and improving earth system models. All data are freely available online at
Wiley #07 |
Boschstr. 12
69469 Weinheim
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Wiley, a global company, helps people and organizations develop the skills and knowledge they need to succeed. Our online scientific, technical, medical, and scholarly journals, combined with our digital learning, assessment and certification solutions help universities, societies, businesses, governments, and individuals increase the academic and professional impact of their work.
ZEISS Microscopy #37 |
4385 Hopyard Rd
Pleasanton, 94588
United States
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From micropaleontology to mineralogy, ZEISS microscopes have provided geoscience imaging & analysis solutions for over 100 years. Now 3D X-ray microanalysis, advances in scanning electron microscopy, and a wide range of optical microscopes extend your research capabilities enabling unparalleled knowledge from your geoscientific specimens. And, to train the geoscientists of tomorrow, our digital education solutions support connectivity for blended learning in your physical and virtual classrooms.